Iand49 (Instagram @iand.49): A shed worker hoses down the tender of ex-GER Holden J17 0-6-0 no.8217 as it stands by the turntable inside the roundhouse at Barrow Hill MPD on the evening of 1st March 2017
pixelia2: Falling snow.
j.motx: Real Fábrica de Armas y Municiones de Eugi 3.Navarra.Spain. (Explore).
andi.hosen: walkin' in a winter wonderland
Blende1.8: vis-à-vis
Nick Livesey Mountain Images: Bwlch Gorddinen - Snowdonia - Wales
SASPhotography67: Violence of Nature…
robertosivieri: THE GOLD OF THE MORNING
Renato Pizzutti: Mareggiata, Sestri Levante...
Guido Andolfato: Le Grave di Ciano in autunno
Jens Koschitzki: 2023-11-02 12-39-26
peer.heesterbeek: City view
j.motx: Caserios en el Adour.Francia bis-
.K i L T Я o.: Land of the little giants
Erwin Buske Photography: Glimmers of Light
Vladobgd: Belgrade street
eric t*: Lumière dorée // Golden light
Nino Gemmellaro: Why in jail?
barry crosthwaite: San Francisco
martinritter1: Himmelkron 121124-6
Wildonline.blog: Grey Squirrel
glgarciaruiz: Changing weather
ewaldtitze: Aquilleia - Historical Museum
PIXXELGAMES - Robert Krenker: The only time you should ever look back, is to see how far you've come! (She's an actress and a dancer)
luigivalbusa: Cinciallegra.
Andrew Grant-Reed aka Photogenesis: Giant's Causeway, Northern Ireland