GBCSUMC: Gen. Sec. Jim Winkler Greets Participants
GBCSUMC: Rev. Cynthia Abrams speaking
GBCSUMC: Rev. Cynthia Abrams welcomes participants
GBCSUMC: Annette Harper opens training with devotion
GBCSUMC: Annette Harper opening devotion
GBCSUMC: Kristin Krumpf discusses training process
GBCSUMC: Kristin Krumpf discussing training goals
GBCSUMC: Kristin Krumpf explains training process
GBCSUMC: Dotti Groover-Skipper speaks to group
GBCSUMC: Rev. Cynthia Abrams speaks
GBCSUMC: Robert Pezzolesi speaks to group
GBCSUMC: National addictions prevention and recovery training group