gbannerman: Chris and his Cannondale bike, QUT Gardens Point, BB0209
gbannerman: Chris post-ride, BB0210
gbannerman: Chris and his bike, Gardens Point, BB0211
gbannerman: Chris's gears, BB0212
gbannerman: Mounted torch on handlebars, BB0213
gbannerman: Chris's front wheel, BB0214
gbannerman: Cut-off Credit Agricole bottle, BB0215
gbannerman: Chris at Gardens Point, BB0216
gbannerman: Chris's brakes, BB0217
gbannerman: Chris's pedal, BB0218
gbannerman: Fingerless riding gloves, BB0219
gbannerman: Chris post-ride, Gardens Point, BB0220
gbannerman: Chris post-ride, Gardens Point, BB0221
gbannerman: Chris post-ride, Gardens Point, BB0222
gbannerman: Chris post-ride, Gardens Point, BB0223
gbannerman: Chris post-ride, Gardens Point, BB0224
gbannerman: Chris post-ride, Gardens Point, BB0225
gbannerman: Chris's back wheel, BB0226
gbannerman: Chris's Cannondale, BB0227
gbannerman: Chris post-ride, Gardens Point, BB0228
gbannerman: Chris and his bike bag, Gardens Point, BB0229
gbannerman: Chris and his bike bag, Gardens Point, BB0230
gbannerman: Chris, Gardens Point QUT, BB0231
gbannerman: Bike, rear view, BB0232
gbannerman: Chris's daily ride, BB0233
gbannerman: Fingerless gloves, BB0234
gbannerman: Front torch strapped on with rubber bands, BB0235
gbannerman: Chris's torch-turned-headlight, BB0236
gbannerman: IMG_0143
gbannerman: IMG_0142