Bruce Allardice: Abu Sir Abu Ghurab Sun Temple of Userkaf V Dyn Userkaf schist
Bruce Allardice: Abu Sir Necropolis Pyramid of Neferirkare V Dyn Mortuary Temple Neferefre limestone (1)
Bruce Allardice: Abydos Middle Cemetery Stela of Iretweru with Osiris in Naos XXVI Dyn limestone paint (1e)
Bruce Allardice: Abydos Stela Ramses IV & Abydos Gods XX Dyn limestone (1e)
Bruce Allardice: Abydos Umm el-Qaʻāb Royal Necropolis Tomb of Meret-Neith I Dyn Stela (1e)
Bruce Allardice: Abydos Umm el-Qaʻāb Royal Necropolis Tomb of Semerkhet I Dyn Stela (1e)
Bruce Allardice: Ahnas (?) (or Ahnase el-Medina) Coffin of Nedjemankh 150–50 BCE Ptolemaic guilded stucco (1)
Bruce Allardice: Al-Ashmunein (Hermopolis) Ramses II usurped by Merenptah (son) XIX Dyn Statue Base Cartouche pink granite (2)
Bruce Allardice: Alexandria (?) Alexander the Great 2nd-1st cent BCE Hellenistic marble
Bruce Allardice: Alexandria Alexander the Great (?) wearing a wreath of ivy leaves and berries 1st cent BCE Hellenistic Pentelic marble
Bruce Allardice: Alexandria Cippus of Horus c.300 BCE Ptolemaic green schist (2)
Bruce Allardice: Alexandria Kom el-Dikka Hor son of Hor 1st cent BCE Ptolemaic granite (1e)
Bruce Allardice: Armant Monthu Temple Mentuhotep III as Osiris XI Dyn Mentuhotep III sandstone (2e)
Bruce Allardice: Armant Ramses II as Standard Bearer XIX Dyn Ramses II pink granite (2)
Bruce Allardice: Armant Temple of Montu Catacombs Stela to the Buchis Bull XXX Dyn Ptolemy V limestone
Bruce Allardice: Asyut Necropolis Tomb #3 Mesehti Soldiers XI Dyn wood plaster pigment (1e)
Bruce Allardice: Asyut Necropolis Tomb #7 Nakhti X Dyn wood (2)
Bruce Allardice: Athribis (Porphyry) Galerius red porphyry (1e)
Bruce Allardice: Balansura (Minya) Mummy Mask of a Woman 70-90 CE Roman linen plaster paint
Bruce Allardice: Cairo Anthropoid Coffin (1)
Bruce Allardice: Cairo Hathor
Bruce Allardice: Cairo Hathor Painting
Bruce Allardice: Cairo Jar Hellenistic
Bruce Allardice: Cairo Jar Hellenistic (2)
Bruce Allardice: Cairo Qasr al-Koba Prisoner (Syria-Palestine) XVIII-XX Dyn granite (1)
Bruce Allardice: Cairo Qasr al-Koba Prisoner (Syria-Palestine) XVIII-XX Dyn granite (2)
Bruce Allardice: Cairo Sandals late Middle Kingdom papyrus
Bruce Allardice: Cairo Sekhmet
Bruce Allardice: Cairo Sekhmet
Bruce Allardice: Cairo Solar Barque & Bastet (the cat god)