Bruce Allardice: Theban Necropolis (?) Funerary Stela (1e)
Bruce Allardice: Theban Necropolis between el-Khokha & Sheikh Abd el-Qurna Tomb of Amenemopet (called Ipy) XVIII-XIX Dyn Horemheb-Sety I (Transverse Hall) Re-Horakhty (1e)
Bruce Allardice: Theban Necropolis between el-Khokha & Sheikh Abd el-Qurna Tomb of Amenemopet (called Ipy) XVIII-XIX Dyn Horemheb-Sety I (Transverse Hall) Weighing the Soul (1e)
Bruce Allardice: Theban Necropolis between el-Khokha & Sheikh Abd el-Qurna Tomb of Amenemopet (called Ipy) XVIII-XIX Dyn Horemheb-Sety I Courtyard (Wall west) Shrine Stele (1e)
Bruce Allardice: Theban Necropolis between el-Khokha & Sheikh Abd el-Qurna Tomb of Amenemopet (called Ipy) XVIII-XIX Dyn Horemheb-Sety I Niche Amenemopet & Nedjmet (his wife) (1e)
Bruce Allardice: Theban Necropolis between el-Khokha & Sheikh Abd el-Qurna Tomb of Amenemopet (Ipy) XVIII-XIX Dyn Horemheb-Sety I (Transverse Hall) Amenemopet (1e)
Bruce Allardice: Theban Necropolis Deir el-Bahari Bab el-Gasus Book of the Dead Papyrus XXI Dyn Bakenmut before Osiris with Nephthys & Isis (1e)
Bruce Allardice: Theban Necropolis Dra Abu el-Naga
Bruce Allardice: Theban Necropolis Dra Abu el-Naga Tomb of Nebamun XVIII Dyn Nebamun's Garden
Bruce Allardice: Theban Necropolis Dra Abu el-Naga Tomb of Nebamun XVIII Dyn Nebamun Fowling in the Marshes
Bruce Allardice: Theban Necropolis Dra’ Abu el-Naga Double Tomb Complex of Ramsesnakht & Amenhotep XX Dyn (1)
Bruce Allardice: Theban Necropolis Dra’ Abu el-Naga Tomb of Amenemope XX Dyn Rameses III-V Shrine (Passage north)
Bruce Allardice: Theban Necropolis Dra’ Abu el-Naga Tomb of Amenemope XX Dyn Rameses III-V Shrine Corridor Hieroglyphs
Bruce Allardice: Theban Necropolis Dra’ Abu el-Naga Tomb of Amenemope XX Dyn Rameses III-V Shrine Mummiform Osiris flanked by Amenemope
Bruce Allardice: Theban Necropolis Dra’ Abu el-Naga Tomb of Amenemope XX Dyn Rameses III-V Transverse Chamber north Amenemope
Bruce Allardice: Theban Necropolis Dra’ Abu el-Naga Tomb of Amenemope XX Dyn Rameses III-V Transverse Chamber south Amenemope Tamerit (wife) Mutemwia (daughter)
Bruce Allardice: Theban Necropolis Dra’ Abu el-Naga Tomb of Amenemope XX Dyn Rameses III-V Transverse Chamber south Wall
Bruce Allardice: Theban Necropolis Dra’ Abu el-Naga Tomb of Amenemope XX Dyn Rameses III-V Transverse Chamber south Wall Brothers & Sisters of Amenemope
Bruce Allardice: Theban Necropolis Dra’ Abu el-Naga Tomb of Roy XVIII-XIX Dyn Horemheb Ceiling (2)
Bruce Allardice: Theban Necropolis Dra’ Abu el-Naga Tomb of Roy XVIII-XIX Dyn Horemheb Wall north
Bruce Allardice: Theban Necropolis Dra’ Abu el-Naga Tomb of Roy XVIII-XIX Dyn Horemheb Wall south (3)
Bruce Allardice: Theban Necropolis Dra’ Abu el-Naga Tomb of Roy XVIII-XIX Dyn Horemheb Wall south (4)
Bruce Allardice: Theban Necropolis Dra’ Abu el-Naga Tomb of Shuroy & his wife Our-Neferet XX Dyn (?) Ramesside Room A Ceiling
Bruce Allardice: Theban Necropolis Dra’ Abu el-Naga Tomb of Shuroy & his wife Our-Neferet XX Dyn (?) Ramesside Room A Shuroy & his wife Our-Neferet Unfinished
Bruce Allardice: Theban Necropolis Dra’ Abu el-Naga Tomb of Shuroy & his wife Our-Neferet XX Dyn (?) Ramesside Room B Procession of Grave Goods
Bruce Allardice: Theban Necropolis el-Assasif
Bruce Allardice: Theban Necropolis el-Assasif Tomb of Amen-Hotep (called Huy) XVIII Dyn Stela
Bruce Allardice: Theban Necropolis el-Assasif Tomb of Amenemhat XI Dyn Funerary Stela limestone (2)
Bruce Allardice: Theban Necropolis el-Assasif Tomb of Intef (Antef) XI Dyn Mentuhotep II
Bruce Allardice: Theban Necropolis el-Assasif Tomb of Montuemhat XXV-XXVI Dyn Taharqa & Psamtik I Pylon (2)