Gareth Edwards: 9 locks Brierley Hill
Gareth Edwards: 9 locks Brierley Hill
Gareth Edwards: Skip, Brierley Hill
Gareth Edwards: Blossom on the canal, Brierley Hill
Gareth Edwards: Leaning tower of pallets, Brierley Hill
Gareth Edwards: Pallets , Brierley Hill
Gareth Edwards: Pallet tower blocks, Brierley Hill
Gareth Edwards: Fox near the Waterfront, Merry Hill
Gareth Edwards: Fox stalking Goose, Waterfront, Merry Hill
Gareth Edwards: Breakfast? Just out of reach down by the canal in Brierley Hill
Gareth Edwards: Abandoned narrowboat Brierley Hill
Gareth Edwards: Near the top of the Stourbridge 16 locks