Mr. Greenjeans: BASTUD!!! (or horn worm...whichever you prefer)
Mr. Greenjeans: painful surprise
Mr. Greenjeans: Grass Monster!
Mr. Greenjeans: Spring Banquet
Mr. Greenjeans: Eumorpha Fasciata (BlockHead!)
Mr. Greenjeans: Neither Here Nor There...
Mr. Greenjeans: Black Swallowtail Caterpillar
Mr. Greenjeans: Tussock Moth Caterpillar
Mr. Greenjeans: Lawn Dragon
Mr. Greenjeans: Repetitive Motion
Mr. Greenjeans: ???????????
Mr. Greenjeans: Stay Away!!!
Mr. Greenjeans: Mean, Green, Eatin' Machine
Mr. Greenjeans: Black Swallowtail Caterpillar
Mr. Greenjeans: Glutten
Mr. Greenjeans: Millions and Millions...
Mr. Greenjeans: Having Breakfast
Mr. Greenjeans: G-r-r-r-r-r....
Mr. Greenjeans: for old times' sake
Mr. Greenjeans: Here They Come!!!
Mr. Greenjeans: Interesting Effect
Mr. Greenjeans: The Omega Worm
Mr. Greenjeans: Quacker-pillar!
Mr. Greenjeans: Blue Boy
Mr. Greenjeans: we suck the heads in Louisiana...
Mr. Greenjeans: Forest Tent Caterpillar
Mr. Greenjeans: Breakfast for the Birds
Mr. Greenjeans: Denizen of the Ditch
Mr. Greenjeans: Fall Webworm tent on a Willow tree
Mr. Greenjeans: buck moth caterpillar