Gayla: Anise Hyssop in Bloom
Gayla: Green Sausage Tomato
Gayla: Purple Beauty Bell Pepper
Gayla: A boatload of Harvest
Gayla: Purple Beauty Bell Pepper
Gayla: Silver Fir Tree Tomato
Gayla: Lots of Tomatoes
Gayla: Three Striped Beetle
Gayla: Awesome!
Gayla: Black Plum Tomatoes
Gayla: aug23_2
Gayla: Black Plum
Gayla: Me with the Cobrahead
Gayla: Me with Stakes
Gayla: Me with Stakes
Gayla: Me
Gayla: Planting Egyptian Clumping Onions
Gayla: Planting Egyptian Clumping Onions
Gayla: Planting Egyptian Clumping Onions
Gayla: Me with the Cobrahead
Gayla: With All the Stuff
Gayla: My Hand with Onions
Gayla: A Very Make-Shift Compost Heap
Gayla: My Plot - Nov 13, 2005.
Gayla: The Wall Behind My Plot
Gayla: Behind My Plot
Gayla: Sakura's White Bleeding Heart
Gayla: Paphiopedilum
Gayla: Paphiopedilum
Gayla: Paphiopedilum