gaxel: ultimate relaxation
gaxel: o so quiet
gaxel: a pile of 6 days old vizsla puppies
gaxel: another pile of 6 days old vizsla puppies
gaxel: multitasking
gaxel: TriStar
gaxel: quite tired
gaxel: sleeping in mother's arms
gaxel: peaceful
gaxel: puppy dreaming in person's hands
gaxel: sleepy sleepy
gaxel: smile
gaxel: gússímúss
gaxel: vizsla puppy cuttling in the arms of a human
gaxel: much to do about...
gaxel: still enough for every one
gaxel: all over the place
gaxel: first eyes open
gaxel: eyes wide open
gaxel: gasp!
gaxel: pooridge (weaning food) for the first time
gaxel: cozy
gaxel: feeding time
gaxel: what are you looking at
gaxel: ready to explore
gaxel: biting the ear off
gaxel: biting the nose off
gaxel: planning the escape
gaxel: freedome
gaxel: where are you all going?