gawd: LOLCoke
gawd: All I see is Tetris
gawd: Neon Anyway at the DNA Lounge
gawd: The Passive Aggressives
gawd: Police Zone
gawd: Technical diagram of how accidents happen
gawd: The halls of Stanford
gawd: William Gates
gawd: Urban Burger on Valencia, SF
gawd: Cashew Chicken at Cheesecake Factory, SF
gawd: Chicken in Lemongrass... Somewhere in Palo Alto
gawd: I like in four different places
gawd: Curiosity Shoppe <--
gawd: The Pope is Poop
gawd: Astro Icecream
gawd: Life is your canvas, you are the artist
gawd: Turkey Burgr with Garlic Fries
gawd: Last dinner in San Francisco
gawd: Amit Gupta @ Photojojo