Astrobratt: Colors
Astrobratt: Pashupatinath Temple Cremation
Astrobratt: Bridge
Astrobratt: Burning of the Dead
Astrobratt: Cremation of the Bodies
Astrobratt: Temple Angle
Astrobratt: Buddhist Monks visiting the Hindu Temple
Astrobratt: Detail of the Monk
Astrobratt: Monk on the stairs of the Pashupatinath Temple
Astrobratt: Ancient Steps of Pashupatinath Temple
Astrobratt: Eternal God of Shiva
Astrobratt: Hindu Holy Man
Astrobratt: Caitlin looking completly out of place
Astrobratt: Bagmati River at the Pashupatinath Temple
Astrobratt: Cremation of the Bodies 2
Astrobratt: Cremation Close up
Astrobratt: Cremation Close up with Temple Pashupatinath Temple
Astrobratt: Brahimin Priests from India burning the bodies
Astrobratt: Heads of the Mourning are Shaved
Astrobratt: Cremation Close up with Temple Pashupatinath Temple2
Astrobratt: Head Shaving Pashupatinath Temple
Astrobratt: Anju who sold me a necklace
Astrobratt: Hindu Cremation at Pashupatinath temple पशुपतिनाथ मन्दिर
Astrobratt: Hindu Cremation at Pashupatinath temple पशुपतिनाथ मन्दिर Nepal
Astrobratt: Shiva festival
Astrobratt: Shiva festival2