gavinrobinson: the suitcase pavillion
gavinrobinson: new material
gavinrobinson: construction
gavinrobinson: digital art
gavinrobinson: welcome to the nextfest
gavinrobinson: picture taking
gavinrobinson: "this thing doesn't work"
gavinrobinson: dwayne wade and the computer that is him
gavinrobinson: do not touch
gavinrobinson: dude saying, "do not touch"
gavinrobinson: do not touch
gavinrobinson: played with the wii-mote
gavinrobinson: lights/recliner
gavinrobinson: please do not touch
gavinrobinson: wall-e is real 2
gavinrobinson: wall-e is real 1
gavinrobinson: the future is now
gavinrobinson: xerox solid ink tree
gavinrobinson: ink tree/toyota sign
gavinrobinson: blended wing body
gavinrobinson: brainball
gavinrobinson: news at seven
gavinrobinson: the trade floor @ the nextfest
gavinrobinson: ipod touch central
gavinrobinson: grass-eatin' sheep
gavinrobinson: under construction
gavinrobinson: big n tall
gavinrobinson: wrigley building/trump building