Gavatron: Súcio river
Gavatron: Collared peccary
Gavatron: On the hunt
Gavatron: Crucifix Orchid
Gavatron: Green, rusty and white
Gavatron: Catarata del Toro
Gavatron: Ribbit!
Gavatron: Yellow-throated Euphonia
Gavatron: Female chestnut-sided warbler
Gavatron: Arenal at dawn
Gavatron: Dramatic Arenal Volcano
Gavatron: Arenal slope
Gavatron: White-throated Magpie Jay
Gavatron: Harlequin Beetle
Gavatron: The elaborate elytra
Gavatron: White-fronted Parrot Pair
Gavatron: Great Curassow
Gavatron: Keel-billed Toucan
Gavatron: Passerini's Tanager
Gavatron: White-nosed Coati
Gavatron: Red-legged Honeycreeper
Gavatron: Bare-throated Tiger Heron
Gavatron: Mangrove rootsing
Gavatron: White-faced capuchin monkey
Gavatron: Nesting pair of Scarlet Macaws
Gavatron: Green Heron
Gavatron: Sunning support
Gavatron: San José lepidoperan