Gavatron: Takeoff!
Gavatron: Longtail landing
Gavatron: Long-tailed Duck Critique
Gavatron: Wigeon in situ
Gavatron: A different kind of Harlequinade
Gavatron: Harlequin Duck
Gavatron: Brown-headed cowbird
Gavatron: Dueling
Gavatron: Ruby-crowned Kinglet
Gavatron: Necking
Gavatron: Nesting
Gavatron: Red-necked Greeb
Gavatron: Yellow bird
Gavatron: Brown nose
Gavatron: Mew Chicks
Gavatron: Green on green
Gavatron: Raven Fledgling
Gavatron: Pink bill
Gavatron: Mouth breather.
Gavatron: Diving Moose; flotilla of Widgeons
Gavatron: Tombstone White-Crown
Gavatron: Trumpeter Swan with cygnets
Gavatron: AKA Dandelion Siskin?
Gavatron: Rockweed Siskin
Gavatron: Bald Eagle Nest
Gavatron: Soaring
Gavatron: Hover
Gavatron: Whiteface Raven
Gavatron: Parasitic Jaeger
Gavatron: Red Knot