Gavatron: The 'ole straight-leg
Gavatron: Griff & Ollie's first day
Gavatron: Griff, Day 2
Gavatron: Star pupil
Gavatron: Week 10 portrait
Gavatron: The active dog
Gavatron: Griff and I
Gavatron: Making a break
Gavatron: Griff et boot
Gavatron: The lamprey manoeuvre
Gavatron: Jowl clench
Gavatron: Fur & feet
Gavatron: Griff goes over the top
Gavatron: The ankle biter
Gavatron: Playing by the couch
Gavatron: Just some random tugging
Gavatron: Giff in the toy basket
Gavatron: Ollie watches
Gavatron: Eyeing the camera
Gavatron: Week 12 portrait
Gavatron: Griff's first day at school
Gavatron: Griff-eyed view
Gavatron: Week 13 come and gone...
Gavatron: Two solitudes
Gavatron: Showdown
Gavatron: Puppy play-date
Gavatron: Griff couture
Gavatron: Griff in the sun