Gavatron: Our human picket line
Gavatron: Unloading the goods
Gavatron: Setting up barriers
Gavatron: Arrival
Gavatron: Northwest Gate
Gavatron: With traffic pylon
Gavatron: Talking to York Security
Gavatron: Through the gate after their 2 min wait
Gavatron: You want a picket sign?
Gavatron: Safe & Efficient Picket
Gavatron: Talking to drivers
Gavatron: Radical cheerleading
Gavatron: At the gate
Gavatron: On the gate
Gavatron: Timbits!
Gavatron: Leaflet duty
Gavatron: Handing out information on the picket line
Gavatron: Speaking with drivers
Gavatron: Speaking with the public
Gavatron: Hello there.
Gavatron: Videoing the picket line
Gavatron: Omni Cameraman
Gavatron: Omni getting a sound bite
Gavatron: Making signs
Gavatron: Picket Line
Gavatron: Generosity
Gavatron: CUPE 3903 On Strike
Gavatron: Northwest Gate Picket Line
Gavatron: Northwest Gate Picket Line
Gavatron: Job Security for Contract Faculty