Gavatron: Raton laveur
Gavatron: Drink your tea-ea-ea-ea!
Gavatron: Prothonotary
Gavatron: Blanding's Turtle
Gavatron: Eastern Phoebe
Gavatron: Trillium: close-up and personal
Gavatron: Hanging the britches out to dry
Gavatron: Hepatica flower
Gavatron: Spring hard-bodied fly
Gavatron: Prothonotary in the log pond
Gavatron: Harris's Sparrow
Gavatron: Flicker-Fence Hybrid
Gavatron: Prothonotary
Gavatron: This Prothonotary's branching out
Gavatron: Calling from the branches
Gavatron: Blue-headed Vireo
Gavatron: OMG!
Gavatron: Can you find it?
Gavatron: Scissor-tailed in Norway Maple
Gavatron: Rondeau Scissor-tail
Gavatron: Pileated Woodpecker
Gavatron: Natural History Mystery
Gavatron: Pileated Woodpecker
Gavatron: Avec nesting material
Gavatron: Palm warbler
Gavatron: Looking
Gavatron: Dowitchers
Gavatron: Goose train
Gavatron: Yellow-headed Blackbird
Gavatron: Bird on a cattail