Gavatron: Peru Trip 2007
Gavatron: Toronto from the air
Gavatron: Wing sunrise
Gavatron: Memphis Lumber
Gavatron: Lima
Gavatron: Cieneguilla
Gavatron: Letting it fly
Gavatron: Padraig's new family
Gavatron: Will & I
Gavatron: Peruvian Hairless Dog
Gavatron: Vermilion Flycatcher - Male
Gavatron: Vermilion Flycatcher - Female
Gavatron: West Peruvian Dove
Gavatron: Long-tailed Mockingbird
Gavatron: Scissor graveyard
Gavatron: Iquitos
Gavatron: Two helos and a discard
Gavatron: Arrived
Gavatron: Wet seat
Gavatron: Iquitos housing
Gavatron: River boats
Gavatron: Walking the plank
Gavatron: River bus
Gavatron: Rubber latex
Gavatron: Bora Elder
Gavatron: The Dance
Gavatron: Bora art
Gavatron: Adult & child
Gavatron: Bora Girl