Gavatron: Purple Sandpipers
Gavatron: A Wull of Gulls
Gavatron: Ring Billed Gull at the brink
Gavatron: Gulls above the falls
Gavatron: Peregrine over downtown Toronto
Gavatron: Pigeon with a club foot
Gavatron: A fall Yellow-rumped Warbler
Gavatron: Herring gull at beach meadows park
Gavatron: Folk art on hunting boats
Gavatron: A different kind of air show
Gavatron: A CF-18 Hornet and a 1-L0 (Lake Ontario) Ring-billed Gull
Gavatron: House Sparrow
Gavatron: House sparrow chillin' on the patio
Gavatron: Don't feed the birds? Whaateeever...
Gavatron: One of these things is not like the other...
Gavatron: Trumpeter Swans (Cygnus buccinator)
Gavatron: Wind powerd
Gavatron: Flying gull III
Gavatron: Flying gull II
Gavatron: Flying gull I
Gavatron: Duck or decoy?
Gavatron: Moody shot of a Red-tailed Hawk
Gavatron: Red-tailed Hawk
Gavatron: Ring billed gull
Gavatron: Ring billed gull
Gavatron: Ring billed gull
Gavatron: Black"blur"ian warbler
Gavatron: Blackburnian warbler
Gavatron: Ruby-crowned Kinglet
Gavatron: Eastern Screech Owl