Gavatron: Wasp on glass
Gavatron: Tiger Beetle
Gavatron: Canadian (not Eastern) Tiger Swallowtail
Gavatron: Looking for pollen in all the right places
Gavatron: Asian (?) ladybird beetle
Gavatron: Monarch butterfly on Echinaecia (aka Cone Flower)
Gavatron: Stonefly on gneiss
Gavatron: Thread-waisted Wasp
Gavatron: Bluet damselfly
Gavatron: Dragonfly in the White Pine
Gavatron: Beetles in the Meadow Sweet
Gavatron: A crane fly
Gavatron: Black Swallowtail
Gavatron: Gypsy moth and egg case
Gavatron: Japanese Beetle on Maple
Gavatron: Monarch Butterfly, wings open
Gavatron: Milkweek bug on Queen Anne's Lace
Gavatron: Japanese Beetle Sex
Gavatron: Perched Female Twelve-spotted Skimmer (?) III
Gavatron: Dogday Cicada
Gavatron: Sillouette of Male Twelve-spotted Skimmer
Gavatron: A mysterious male Gypsy Moth
Gavatron: Blue Dasher Dragonfly
Gavatron: Unidentified grasshopper
Gavatron: Wandering glider seen head-on
Gavatron: Locust Borer on Goldenrod (should it be called Rod Borer instead?)
Gavatron: Monarch Butterfly caterpillar on Milkweed
Gavatron: Forked Fungus Beetles the wrong way 'round.
Gavatron: Jagged ambush bug on Tansy
Gavatron: Pelecinid Wasp (Pelecinus polyturator)