Gavatron: A wet dog
Gavatron: Ollie on the dock with and his toys
Gavatron: Bluet on gneiss
Gavatron: Ollie and Dad
Gavatron: Stonefly on gneiss
Gavatron: Wasp on gneiss
Gavatron: Heather
Gavatron: Dad & Sue in the tandem boat
Gavatron: The "back dock"
Gavatron: Ollie retrieving his ruffian
Gavatron: Ollie watching Heather kayaking
Gavatron: Heather and Ollie I
Gavatron: Heather and Ollie II
Gavatron: Heather, en bateau
Gavatron: A wet BT
Gavatron: Ollie gets ferried back to land
Gavatron: Heather out in the kayak
Gavatron: Ollie waiting patiently for his Heather
Gavatron: Heather portrait in the kayak
Gavatron: Thread-waisted Wasp
Gavatron: Rock patterns
Gavatron: Rock patterns
Gavatron: Bluet damselfly
Gavatron: Brown Damselfly
Gavatron: Brown Damselfly
Gavatron: Ollie in exploration mode
Gavatron: Sailboat in Parry Sound
Gavatron: Heather writing in the hammock
Gavatron: Dragonfly in the White Pine
Gavatron: Beetles in the Meadow Sweet