Gavatron: Tent Shot
Gavatron: Tent Shot, with White Pine
Gavatron: Portrait tent shot
Gavatron: Dad and Ollie (Ollie after the sponge)
Gavatron: Ollie, Dad & Sponge-bob
Gavatron: Gimme that Sponge!
Gavatron: Morning of the last day, looking North across the channel
Gavatron: An impromptu portrait
Gavatron: Pouring the tea, the world shifted to the right
Gavatron: Pouring the tea
Gavatron: Ollie & Dad
Gavatron: Ollie back-lit
Gavatron: Landscape shot
Gavatron: Dad enjoying breakfast.
Gavatron: White Pine Landscape Shot
Gavatron: Landscape to the S of Cedar Island
Gavatron: Dad & Ollie
Gavatron: Landscape to the N of Cedar Island II
Gavatron: Landscape to the N of Cedar Island
Gavatron: Heather, Ollie & myself
Gavatron: Self-portraits
Gavatron: Georgian Bay
Gavatron: Tent shot
Gavatron: Heather pumping water
Gavatron: Heather removing baddies from the water
Gavatron: Heather and Ollie
Gavatron: Windy self-portrait
Gavatron: Dad in between the kayaks
Gavatron: Hi Heath!