Gavatron: Pine pollen on the car
Gavatron: An homage to Tony
Gavatron: Ollie licks Herbie
Gavatron: Herbie comes, Ollie plays
Gavatron: Ollie et cuz
Gavatron: Ollie sayz: I want that cuz!
Gavatron: Lee, Lou, JJ & Herbie
Gavatron: Back-lit spruce
Gavatron: Crack on White Birch
Gavatron: Mowatt Headstone
Gavatron: Katie & the car, on the way to the Tom Tompson's first grave
Gavatron: Katie and Ollie
Gavatron: Lee & Herbie action shot, part deux
Gavatron: Lee & Herbie action shot
Gavatron: Lee & Ollie
Gavatron: Ollie's first swim
Gavatron: You need the right motivation to get a BT to swim in cold water...
Gavatron: Katie & Ollie & a cuz
Gavatron: Canadian (not Eastern) Tiger Swallowtail
Gavatron: Ollie contemplates the upcoming canoe ride
Gavatron: That tongue...
Gavatron: Ollie & his *new* life jacket
Gavatron: Zoe telephoto
Gavatron: Anna portrait
Gavatron: Herbie, Ollie & my Dad
Gavatron: A wet, helping hand
Gavatron: Thirsty dog not getting that a lake is made up of water
Gavatron: Action shot!
Gavatron: Zoe freaking Ollie out
Gavatron: Dragonfly nymph exoskeleton