Josh Hsu: Private beach
Josh Hsu: Private beach
Josh Hsu: Private beach
Josh Hsu: Rizzan Sea Park Hotel
Josh Hsu: Guess who's who?
Josh Hsu: Guiding light in the dark
Josh Hsu: Giant Lobster
Josh Hsu: I'm beautiful and I'm gonna kill you...
Josh Hsu: 1st contact...
Josh Hsu: Under the sea, under the sea~
Josh Hsu: Underwater glider
Josh Hsu: How long are we gonna stay here?
Josh Hsu: Show time!
Josh Hsu: Ha ha ha ha...
Josh Hsu: Splash!
Josh Hsu: He really can jump!
Josh Hsu: Shake it, baby~
Josh Hsu: Clap your hands with me
Josh Hsu: 吐舌裝可愛(好啦,是真可愛)
Josh Hsu: Spit! Spit! Spit!
Josh Hsu: 我劈~
Josh Hsu: 到處看得到的風獅爺
Josh Hsu: The night's young, but the city is falling asleep...
Josh Hsu: Let's take a ride
Josh Hsu: 吉本興業風獅爺?
Josh Hsu: 指揮艇,組合!
Josh Hsu: Great food inside!
Josh Hsu: 期待大餐中...
Josh Hsu: My parents left me here a long time ago...
Josh Hsu: 逛菜場去~