BoneLust: AVAILABLE SOON $30! All Seeing Baphomet Eye Ring in 8 color options, in limited quantities. Sorry, only doing silver bands on these because I thought it looked best but if I get enough of a demand for antique brass I may do it. Stay tuned at Bonelust.Etsy
BoneLust: AVAILABLE NOW $25! New Arrowhead Adjustable Rings. There is a huge array of colors to choose from & two band options. These will be made to order & first come first served. Limited number of colors of each. Please carefully read through the listing to und
BoneLust: Met my first adult Northern Walking Stick last night! I've only seen two tiny juveniles before now.
BoneLust: BONELUST PERSONAL COLLECTION: Also just got this big Coyote Skull because every one I have/find is broken or incomplete. Was hoping to just have a little minor cleanup but to my surprise the mandible was glued to the skull! Ugh, makes me cringe.
BoneLust: LISTING NOW $60! New Natural Relics Sea Life Diorama Pendant Necklace: XXL Option. This is a two-sided pendant: It has a real crab claw on one side and a little ocean scene on the other with lichen for seaweed, real sea shells I've beach combed myself & p
BoneLust: LISTING NOW $55! New Natural Relics Sea Life Diorama Pendant Necklace: XL Option. This is a two-sided pendant: It has a real crab claw on one side and a little ocean scene on the other with lichen for seaweed, real sea shells I've beach combed myself, sha
BoneLust: LISTING NOW $50! New Natural Relics Sea Life Diorama Pendant Necklaces: Large Option. Each one has a real crab claw on one side and a little ocean scene on the back side with lichen for seaweed, real sea shells I've beach combed myself, shark tooth & pebb
BoneLust: LISTING NOW $40! New Natural Relics Sea Life Pendant Necklaces: Medium Option. Each one has a real crab claw on one side and a little ocean scene on the back side with lichen for seaweed, real shells I've beach combed myself & pebbles. Stay tuned at Bonel
BoneLust: FUTURE BONELUST PROJECT & BLOG POST: I got this dead Mimic Glass Lizard & I'm excited to add it to my personal wet specimen collection. This is a true Natural History find & something I have not seen since I was a child here in Florida.
BoneLust: While you're sleeping, I'm communing with the creatures of the night. So many Imperial Moth visitors lately! ♥♥
BoneLust: Note to Self: Be more consistent about checking for critters in my hair & clothing after taking photos at night in my nature activity hot zone. Last night this Hardwood Stump Borer was apparently on me & I didn't notice when I ran in for my camera.
BoneLust: Really surprised about this Hummingbird Moth visitor I had last night! Someone here had recently asked me if I ever seen them and it is very uncommon. Nessus Sphinx Moth - Amphion floridensis
BoneLust: AVAILABLE SOON! Arrowhead Rings & All Seeing Baphomet Eye Ring. Arrowhead option will be available very soon. Glass eye ring still in production. Stay tuned at Bonelust.Etsy.Com ♥
BoneLust: Wow sleepy American Green Tree Frog woke up and is HUGE! ♥♥
BoneLust: New batch of human teeth for Bone Lust creations! A few real gnarly ones and several with bone stuck in the roots. I scoured my hands after this, twice. My favorite of all of these are those 2 tiny teeth up front. They are actually someone's extra wisdom
BoneLust: Skull Headed Bunny Arrived Today! This is my 2nd @preciouscreature ethical rogue taxidermy purchase. Looks like a creature straight out of Jan Švankmajwr's 'Alice'. If you haven't seen it do yourself a favor and watch it ASAP. Love it so much Lauren & tha
BoneLust: AVAILABLE TODAY $40: Functional Locket Secret Compartment Poison Rings with a real full Impacted Wisdom Tooth or Molar Crown in Lace Cameo Setting. Stay tuned to Bonelust.Etsy.Com - There are very limited quantities of both. ♥♥
BoneLust: BONELUST BONE BONELUST BONE PROCESSING PROGRESS: Wanted to show why you don't want to submerge antlers in a Hydrogen Peroxide bath.ROCESSING PROGRESS: Wanted to show why you don't want to submerge antlers in a Hydrogen Peroxide bath. I have plans to use t
BoneLust: AVAILABLE NOW $40: Crescent Moon Molar Pendant Necklace. With a real human molar crown in deep oval cameo setting. There will be limited quantities of these so head over now to Bonelust.Etsy.Com ♥♥
BoneLust: Typical night around here. How many species can you find and name? ♥
BoneLust: Pretty sure this is an Underwing Moth. Possibly a Tearful Underwing. I love underwings because they have bright surprises sometimes on the underwing. Which is used to distract predators. It is the opposite side of the wings (shown here) that's the surpris
BoneLust: Wow another huge moth visitor! Pretty sure this is an Underwing Moth. Possibly a Tearful Underwing. I love underwings because they have bright surprises sometimes on the underwing. Which is used to distract predators. It is the opposite side of the wings
BoneLust: Pretty sure my enormous Dung Beetle friend is a female Carolina Copris - Dichotomius carolinus.
BoneLust: Last night I found the largest native beetle I've ever seen alive & in the wild, on my porch. To say I was excited is an understatement. Still trying to ID but it is a Dung Beetle, a type of Scarab Beetle. Of the Dichotomius genus.
BoneLust: T. auletes 1 ?
BoneLust: I think I may have several different species of the larger Tibicen genus on my property. This one looks very different from the one I previously posted today. Coastal Lyric Cicada, Tibicen lyricen virescens ?
BoneLust: Very excited about my first sighting this year of an adult of one of my larger cicada species. I had only found several molted exoskeletons before this. Northern Dusk Singing Cicada (Neotibicen auletes) ???
BoneLust: AVAILABLE NOW $45! Three new Natural Relics Terrarium Diorama Pendants with Rainbow Scarab Beetle, Rodent Jawbone & Lichen. Get yours at Bonelust.Etsy.Com these sell out fast! ♥⚡
BoneLust: BONELUST CUSTOM ORDER: Natural Relics custom made piece for customer. They supplied the Rainbow Scarab beetle they had found dead. I will be making a few more of these soon from ones I have in my collection so stay tuned to Bonelust.Etsy.Com for those!
BoneLust: Today's incredible tooth shipment. A couple of the molars have the largest crowns I've ever seen. My favorite of all of these is that tiny tooth up front. It is actually someone's FIFTH wisdom tooth! It was pushed up next to a full grown wisdom tooth. Mmm