ftrc: around the Küstrin Fortress
ftrc: around the Küstrin Fortress
ftrc: around the Küstrin Fortress
ftrc: around the Küstrin Fortress
ftrc: crossing the border between Germany and Poland
ftrc: train passing by
ftrc: crossing the border between Germany and Poland
ftrc: flooded areas around the Oder river
ftrc: something abandoned in Küstrin-Kietz
ftrc: something abandoned in Küstrin-Kietz
ftrc: crossing the border between Germany and Poland
ftrc: crossing the border between Germany and Poland
ftrc: walking from Küstrin-Kietz
ftrc: walking from Küstrin-Kietz
ftrc: walking from Küstrin-Kietz
ftrc: walking from Küstrin-Kietz
ftrc: walking from Küstrin-Kietz
ftrc: Waiting for the train on Ostkreuz
ftrc: Waiting for the train on Ostkreuz
ftrc: the Vaubeka Crane in Berlin
ftrc: Looking at Tempelhofer Feld
ftrc: the Vaubeka Crane in Berlin
ftrc: the Vaubeka Crane in Berlin
ftrc: Sunset over the Teltow Canal
ftrc: the Vaubeka Crane in Berlin
ftrc: the Vaubeka Crane in Berlin
ftrc: the Vaubeka Crane in Berlin
ftrc: the Vaubeka Crane in Berlin
ftrc: the Vaubeka Crane in Berlin
ftrc: the Vaubeka Crane in Berlin