ftrc: Three Lions
ftrc: Mykonos far away
ftrc: local plants
ftrc: Marble Columns
ftrc: marble columns
ftrc: Mount Cynthus
ftrc: a panoramic view of Delos
ftrc: getting lost among the ruins
ftrc: from the theater
ftrc: Terrace of the Lions
ftrc: House of Cleopatra
ftrc: next to the harbour
ftrc: a still standing "gate"
ftrc: Sacred Lake of Delos
ftrc: blue skies in the back
ftrc: rocks and more rocks
ftrc: Delos
ftrc: marble ruins arranged
ftrc: House of Dionysos
ftrc: Marble Columns
ftrc: greek words
ftrc: Around the Theatre Quarter
ftrc: a simple mosaic on the floor
ftrc: House of Cleopatra
ftrc: Mount Cynthus
ftrc: Sacred Lake of Delos
ftrc: Terrace of the Lions
ftrc: where people lived in Delos
ftrc: walls
ftrc: a mosaic of Dionysos riding a tiger