ftrc: happy face in the beginning
ftrc: i liked you better when you were offline
ftrc: first kilometer
ftrc: entering Berlin through Erken
ftrc: i would sell everything to be as cool as you
ftrc: second kilometer
ftrc: third kilometer
ftrc: Dämeritzsee
ftrc: looking at the Dämeritzsee
ftrc: fourth kilometer
ftrc: bad place to post a sticker
ftrc: fifth kilometer
ftrc: sixth kilometer
ftrc: seventh kilometer
ftrc: eighth kilometer
ftrc: ninth kilometer
ftrc: i saw a little snake crossing this river
ftrc: nobody will ever see this sticker again
ftrc: almost tenth kilometer
ftrc: these are the animals i should see around the path i took
ftrc: eleventh kilometer
ftrc: there were some ducks there
ftrc: another sticker in the middle of nowhere
ftrc: thirteenth kilometer
ftrc: online activism is a myth
ftrc: fifteenth kilometer
ftrc: sixteenth kilometer
ftrc: still walking
ftrc: yeah, still walking
ftrc: the lake is almost there