ftrc: december 2021 with a floating display
ftrc: albums and books
ftrc: work meetings
ftrc: cats spread around two different floors
ftrc: red screen
ftrc: Baphomet and Nergal
ftrc: Calipe
ftrc: The Sky Cats
ftrc: Merry Christmas from the Sky Cats
ftrc: Camila's Card
ftrc: zé, nergal and baphs
ftrc: baphomet, the lion
ftrc: nergal on the floor
ftrc: baphs and her moustaches
ftrc: fat nergs
ftrc: more baphs
ftrc: baphomet and natasha
ftrc: baphomet as a hat
ftrc: baphomet dominates my desk
ftrc: trapo
ftrc: baphomet in her position
ftrc: feeding my chickens
ftrc: nergal and zé
ftrc: baphomet, nergal and natasha
ftrc: she likes my desk
ftrc: i think i woke her up
ftrc: nergal found a bag
ftrc: five cats in the couch
ftrc: nergal and the heater
ftrc: it's getting cold