gasman3313: Foster at the fence
gasman3313: Travis delivers
gasman3313: Tuma delivers
gasman3313: Where are you supposed to be 23
gasman3313: A break in the action
gasman3313: Dan with the PO
gasman3313: A difference of opinion
gasman3313: AJ to 1st, 5-8-07
gasman3313: EC eyes the ball, 5-9-07
gasman3313: MB blocks the plate, 5-25-07
gasman3313: Out of reach
gasman3313: Waiting
gasman3313: "I got it, I got it"
gasman3313: Joe delivers
gasman3313: Pitchers motion
gasman3313: Charge and throw
gasman3313: 5-3 out
gasman3313: Lost the handle
gasman3313: Fair or foul might be a tough call