Gaslight Spirit: EveryDayIsTheSame
Gaslight Spirit: La diplomatica
Gaslight Spirit: Persi nel nulla della Bassa..
Gaslight Spirit: Macro experience#1
Gaslight Spirit: What is..?
Gaslight Spirit: Voglia di Natale, oggi..
Gaslight Spirit: Muffin time!
Gaslight Spirit: A big accident..again!!!
Gaslight Spirit: Brunch Time!!!!
Gaslight Spirit: In tregua olimpica
Gaslight Spirit: Ancora Ippolito...
Gaslight Spirit: Sunset on the park
Gaslight Spirit: Try to find an inspiration
Gaslight Spirit: Secret Garden#3
Gaslight Spirit: A tree from the water
Gaslight Spirit: The cross
Gaslight Spirit: The small river
Gaslight Spirit: a big accident!
Gaslight Spirit: In the country
Gaslight Spirit: Screams on my way
Gaslight Spirit: My Mary's House
Gaslight Spirit: My Mary's House
Gaslight Spirit: Piazza San Domenico, early morning, very very cold!!!
Gaslight Spirit: Ho sceso, dandoti il braccio, almeno un milione di scale
Gaslight Spirit: Ode alle fredde giornate di sole
Gaslight Spirit: Oltre la soglia