gashwin: Chapel of the Immaculate Conception
gashwin: Vatican Flag
gashwin: North Residence Hall, USML
gashwin: "Beware of Dog"
gashwin: Seminarians
gashwin: ARRRRR
gashwin: St. John Paul II Chapel, Mundelein Seminary
gashwin: Processional Cross
gashwin: Stained glass: St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein)
gashwin: Main Altar, St. John Paul II Chapel, Mundelein Seminary
gashwin: Stained Glass: Blessed John Henry Cardinal Newman
gashwin: Stained Glass: St. Gianna Molla
gashwin: Stained Glass: St. Therese of Liseaux
gashwin: Stained Glass: St. Thomas Aquinas
gashwin: Statue of St. Joseph
gashwin: Tabernacle
gashwin: Crucifix
gashwin: Close up of pew
gashwin: Statue of the Blessed Mother
gashwin: Stained Glass: St. Paul
gashwin: Stained Glass: Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati
gashwin: Stained Glass: Holy Dog
gashwin: Stained Glass: St. John of the Cross
gashwin: Stained Glass: Sts. Cyril and Methodius
gashwin: Stained Glass: Blessed Teresa of Kolkata
gashwin: Stained Glass: Close up of Train
gashwin: Stained Glass: "I Thirst"
gashwin: Stained Glass: Lotus Flower
gashwin: Stained Glass: Blessed Miguel Pro