gashwin: Benito Juarez Memorial
gashwin: St. Francis Church near the Zocalo
gashwin: What to order for breakfast?
gashwin: Humming Bird
gashwin: Cathedral 2
gashwin: Cathedral
gashwin: Zocalo
gashwin: High Altar and Nave
gashwin: P1000185
gashwin: High Altar
gashwin: Organ 2
gashwin: Choir Stalls 2
gashwin: Choir 2
gashwin: Choir
gashwin: Choir Stalls
gashwin: Organ
gashwin: Neumes
gashwin: Chatting
gashwin: Down the nave to high altar
gashwin: Tim at Organ
gashwin: Stops
gashwin: Looking down into the choir
gashwin: Organ pipes
gashwin: Detail of bookstand
gashwin: Toward rear of Cathedral
gashwin: Detail
gashwin: Old
gashwin: Choir
gashwin: P1000217
gashwin: Downtown Mexico City