gashwin: Program
gashwin: Laying on hands
gashwin: Laying on of Hands II
gashwin: Priests heading up to altar
gashwin: Laying on of Hands IV
gashwin: DSC02234
gashwin: Laying on of Hands V
gashwin: Laying on of Hands VI
gashwin: Laying on of Hands VII
gashwin: DSC02228
gashwin: DSC02227
gashwin: Prostration I
gashwin: Prostration II
gashwin: Bishop Baker
gashwin: Father Wilson
gashwin: Bishop Cisneros
gashwin: Bishop Thompson
gashwin: Order of the Holy Sepulchre
gashwin: Order of the Holy Sepulchre II
gashwin: Entrance Procession
gashwin: Entrance Procession II
gashwin: Candidates I
gashwin: Candidates II
gashwin: Candidates III
gashwin: Candidates IV
gashwin: Candidates V
gashwin: Candidates VI
gashwin: Entrance Procession II
gashwin: "Church"
gashwin: The STM crowd