Gary Thomson: Face at The Lost Gardens of Heligan
Gary Thomson: hexham abbey door
Gary Thomson: IMG_2514.jpg
Gary Thomson: scotland
Gary Thomson: susie's
Gary Thomson: aduki beans
Gary Thomson: yellow some green
Gary Thomson: forth bridge
Gary Thomson: ramsay garden
Gary Thomson: geddes heritrage trail
Gary Thomson: shortbread
Gary Thomson: house and garden
Gary Thomson: leaf
Gary Thomson: bronze statue of amida buddha
Gary Thomson: bronze statue of amida buddha
Gary Thomson: bronze statue of sho-kwannon
Gary Thomson: relief from bagpipe music
Gary Thomson: forest cafe – edinburgh
Gary Thomson: sticker on bus stop
Gary Thomson: what's that clicking noise?
Gary Thomson: IMG_0418.jpg
Gary Thomson: knocker
Gary Thomson: squirrel
Gary Thomson: flower
Gary Thomson: hairy
Gary Thomson: palimpsest
Gary Thomson: greyfriars