Gary_Sutherland: Sheigra station, overlooking the sea.
Gary_Sutherland: Station overlooking the sea.
Gary_Sutherland: Cable anchor.
Gary_Sutherland: Mast base.
Gary_Sutherland: Path leading to station.
Gary_Sutherland: Mast base.
Gary_Sutherland: Mast base.
Gary_Sutherland: Main building
Gary_Sutherland: Mystery Structures
Gary_Sutherland: Mast base.
Gary_Sutherland: Main building, part collapsed.
Gary_Sutherland: Mast base.
Gary_Sutherland: Sheigra RAF D/F Radio Station
Gary_Sutherland: Flooded cable trench leading to mast base.
Gary_Sutherland: Main equipment building.
Gary_Sutherland: Interior from the window.
Gary_Sutherland: View south to mountains.
Gary_Sutherland: Path leading down to track and loch.
Gary_Sutherland: First sight of the station from the path.