GaryQ: Getting Ready at the House
GaryQ: There is the Future
GaryQ: The Past is but a Shadow, but the Future is Bright
GaryQ: Beauty Illustrated Twice
GaryQ: The Bouquet
GaryQ: A Special Point in Time
GaryQ: Wedding Pary
GaryQ: Wedding Party
GaryQ: Practice for the Big One
GaryQ: Quite Repose
GaryQ: Loving the Friendship
GaryQ: Thanks Becky for the bouquets
GaryQ: Looking proper by the Mississippi
GaryQ: Men on the Rocks of the Mississippi
GaryQ: Swinging into the Future
GaryQ: Betsie & Mom Exchange Wisdom
GaryQ: Honeymoon & Fishing - Yup
GaryQ: Mom and Dad Grateful for the Moment
GaryQ: Mom & the Bride
GaryQ: The Bride & Mom
GaryQ: Sisters
GaryQ: A Monument To Those Who Served
GaryQ: The Witnesses
GaryQ: Ben's Family