Gary Lerude: Visiting Arlington Street Church
Gary Lerude: Arlington Street Church quilt on the pulpit
Gary Lerude: Mark shows us one of the Tiffany stained glass windows
Gary Lerude: Tiffany stained glass window depicting John the Baptist at Arlington Street Church
Gary Lerude: Tiffany stained glass windows
Gary Lerude: Tiffany stained glass window: the Good Shepherd
Gary Lerude: Tiffany stained glass window: Blessed are the Peacemakers
Gary Lerude: Tiffany stained glass window at Arlington Street Church
Gary Lerude: Arlington Street Church sanctuary from the organ
Gary Lerude: The organ at the rear of the sanctuary
Gary Lerude: Mark David Buckles demonstrates the organ
Gary Lerude: Looking at the organ pipes. Anyone care to guess how many?
Gary Lerude: 4,000 Pipes
Gary Lerude: Mark David Buckles shows us the ropes -- that ring the church bells
Gary Lerude: You have to pull hard -- and out not down.
Gary Lerude: Now it's our turn
Gary Lerude: Each person pulls two ropes, controlling two bells
Gary Lerude: Playing Ode to Joy on the Arlington Street Church Bells
Gary Lerude: Heading up more stairs to see the bells
Gary Lerude: The bells at Arlington Street Church
Gary Lerude: Looking out at Boston from the belfry
Gary Lerude: Looking out from the belfry to the Boston Common
Gary Lerude: The steeple at Arlington Street Church
Gary Lerude: King's Chapel sanctuary
Gary Lerude: The pulpit at King's Chapel
Gary Lerude: The altar at King's Chapel
Gary Lerude: The organ at King's Chapel
Gary Lerude: The organ at King's Chapel
Gary Lerude: Modernity towers over King's Chapel