Gary Lerude: The Susan G. Komen 3-Day for the Cure
Gary Lerude: Susan G. Komen 3-Day Walk underway
Gary Lerude: Kristen's mom had the perfect - and most popular - 'costume'
Gary Lerude: Lori was cheering and, when not cheering, blowing bubbles
Gary Lerude: Grant, too, blew bubbles to encourage the walkers
Gary Lerude: Grant working on his bubble-making technique
Gary Lerude: The first sign of Andrea and Kristen, cresting a long hill
Gary Lerude: Day 2 -- and they are still smiling
Gary Lerude: Thanks for coming out, little brother
Gary Lerude: Andrea sporting quite the socks
Gary Lerude: Andrea with Kristen's mom
Gary Lerude: Kristen, her mom, and Andrea
Gary Lerude: Photo op
Gary Lerude: Photo op
Gary Lerude: Photo op
Gary Lerude: The Pink Angels, just one of the cars cheering everyone on
Gary Lerude: Piggy Patrol
Gary Lerude: The Mardi Bra van
Gary Lerude: A steady stream of walkers
Gary Lerude: All sorts of shoes, many with pink laces
Gary Lerude: 60 miles, step by step
Gary Lerude: After a long climb, nice to be going downhill
Gary Lerude: Dedication and Commitment
Gary Lerude: Warm and sunny day for covering the 20-mile quota
Gary Lerude: Sea of Pink
Gary Lerude: Rain
Gary Lerude: Day 3 - through the Boston Public Garden
Gary Lerude: Day 3 - through the Boston Public Garden
Gary Lerude: Day 3 -- through the Boston Public Garden
Gary Lerude: Day 3 -- through the Boston Public Garden