Gary Lerude: The first rhododendron bush blooms
Gary Lerude: DSC_2117
Gary Lerude: DSC_2119
Gary Lerude: DSC_2118
Gary Lerude: Neighbor's rhodi
Gary Lerude: DSC_2124
Gary Lerude: Salvia
Gary Lerude: Delicate rhodi
Gary Lerude: DSC_2128
Gary Lerude: DSC_2129
Gary Lerude: Dogwood blooms
Gary Lerude: First azalea bloom of the spring
Gary Lerude: First azalea blooms
Gary Lerude: DSC_2095
Gary Lerude: DSC_2096
Gary Lerude: DSC_2097
Gary Lerude: DSC_2098
Gary Lerude: Bee and azalea
Gary Lerude: DSC_2100
Gary Lerude: Dew point
Gary Lerude: Dew point
Gary Lerude: Foggy morning
Gary Lerude: Peony about to bloom
Gary Lerude: Daisy
Gary Lerude: Daisies blooming
Gary Lerude: Kissed by the rain
Gary Lerude: White iris
Gary Lerude: IMAG0116
Gary Lerude: A splash of color
Gary Lerude: Peony in bloom