Gary Lerude: AAU Nationals
Gary Lerude: Stretching
Gary Lerude: Tree-huggers?
Gary Lerude: Pre-race stretching
Gary Lerude: Pre-race stretching
Gary Lerude: Stretching
Gary Lerude: Stretching
Gary Lerude: Working the abs
Gary Lerude: Traditional pre-race pose
Gary Lerude: Pre-race pose, take 2
Gary Lerude: Pre-race pose, take 3
Gary Lerude: Pre-race pose, take 4
Gary Lerude: Waiting at the tent
Gary Lerude: Waiting at the tent
Gary Lerude: After the race, the runners wait to be released
Gary Lerude: Opening the medal
Gary Lerude: With Aunt Karen, Mom, and Andrea
Gary Lerude: With Aunt Karen, Mom, and Andrea
Gary Lerude: With grandpa and grandma
Gary Lerude: Everything except the runner