gary.arthur: front yard facing south, June 2011
gary.arthur: vegetable and herb garden June 2011
gary.arthur: a slightly new angle on vegetable and herb garden June 2011
gary.arthur: south end of the yard 2011
gary.arthur: raccoon on the bird feeder June 2011
gary.arthur: garden from the ground, June 2011
gary.arthur: June 2011
gary.arthur: mud with grass just starting to grow 2011
gary.arthur: grass and dafodils in March 2011
gary.arthur: June 2011
gary.arthur: front yard, June 2011
gary.arthur: front yard facing east, June 2011
gary.arthur: front yard facing south, June 2011
gary.arthur: front yard facing north, June 2011
gary.arthur: side yard in May 2011
gary.arthur: front yard, May 2011
gary.arthur: March 2011
gary.arthur: March 2011
gary.arthur: facing north, 2011
gary.arthur: grass is barely starting in late Feb. 2011
gary.arthur: Christmas decorations
gary.arthur: Otis after a catnip party
gary.arthur: Veggies & herbs---Sept. rain
gary.arthur: April 2012
gary.arthur: Otis heading down the deck stairs
gary.arthur: brick side yard in August
gary.arthur: back garden 2011
gary.arthur: front garden 2011
gary.arthur: front yard, around 4 p.m in June
gary.arthur: front yard around 6 p.m. in June