gary.arthur: map of where Augustus traveled 1940
gary.arthur: man, monkey, and panini bread 1936
gary.arthur: old timey fiddle player guy 1936
gary.arthur: twins with shoe issues, 1936
gary.arthur: li'l cowpoke 1936
gary.arthur: farm lad 1936
gary.arthur: caged monkey 1936
gary.arthur: spooky clown drawing
gary.arthur: illustrator got to the cat's rear legs and stopped trying
gary.arthur: get-up from a Sears catalog c. 1935
gary.arthur: old vs. new
gary.arthur: crows and human skull
gary.arthur: immigrants
gary.arthur: car driving through tree illustration
gary.arthur: retro WASHINGTON map
gary.arthur: flying frost pixies
gary.arthur: arts and craftsvase
gary.arthur: arts and crafts water lillies
gary.arthur: arts and crafts tree
gary.arthur: arts and crafts window
gary.arthur: arts and crafts owl
gary.arthur: arts and crafts border 7
gary.arthur: arts and crafts border 6
gary.arthur: arts and crafts border 5
gary.arthur: chemist too
gary.arthur: soldier kp
gary.arthur: marvelous
gary.arthur: proud man
gary.arthur: ship too
gary.arthur: daydreamer