GaryKurtz: Blue-necked Tanager 2
GaryKurtz: Blue-necked Tanager
GaryKurtz: Andean Emerald 2
GaryKurtz: Andean Emerald 3
GaryKurtz: Andean Emerald 5
GaryKurtz: Rufous-tailed Hummingbird 5
GaryKurtz: Swallow Tanager Male
GaryKurtz: Rufous Motmot
GaryKurtz: Velvet-purple Coronet
GaryKurtz: Female Violet-tailed Sylph
GaryKurtz: Violet-tailed Sylph 5
GaryKurtz: Andean Cock of the Rock
GaryKurtz: Andean Cock of the Rock
GaryKurtz: Crimson-rumped Toucanet
GaryKurtz: Is this a Palm Tanager? November in Mindo, Ecuador
GaryKurtz: Masked Flower-piercer
GaryKurtz: Tawny-bellied Hermit
GaryKurtz: Violet-tailed Sylph
GaryKurtz: Purple-bibbed Whitetip Hummingbird
GaryKurtz: Crimson-rumped Toucanet
GaryKurtz: Great Thrush
GaryKurtz: Summer Tanager
GaryKurtz: Red-crested Finch
GaryKurtz: Red-crested Finch
GaryKurtz: Boats at Puerto Misahualli, Ecuador
GaryKurtz: Club-winged Manakin at Milpe Bird Sanctuary, Ecuador
GaryKurtz: Velvet-purple Coronet at Sachatamia Lodge, Ecuador
GaryKurtz: Striated Herons
GaryKurtz: Spider Monkey in Lagoon at Puerto Misahualli, Ecuador
GaryKurtz: Golden-rumped Euphonia