Gary Dunaier: Yankee Stadium as seen from the northbound #4 platform at 161st Street, 07/04/11 (IMG_5712)
Gary Dunaier: Yankee Stadium as seen from the northbound #4 platform at 161st Street, 07/04/11 (IMG_5713)
Gary Dunaier: Yankee Stadium as seen from the northbound #4 platform at 161st Street, 07/04/11 (IMG_5714)
Gary Dunaier: Yankee Stadium, 07/04/11: the block across the street, as seen from the 161st Street subway station (IMG_5717)
Gary Dunaier: Yankee Stadium as seen from the southbound #4 platform at 161st Street, 07/04/11 (IMG_5725)
Gary Dunaier: Yankee Stadium, 07/04/11: in the middle of the ballpark's third season, the "Neighborhood Map" in the 161st Street subway station still has not been updated (IMG_5726)
Gary Dunaier: Yankee Stadium, 07/04/11: looking towards Gate 6 from 161st Street near River Avenue (IMG_5727)
Gary Dunaier: Yankee Stadium, 07/04/11: it costs $35 to park your car at the River Avenue Garage, across the street from Gate 8 (IMG_5731)
Gary Dunaier: Yankee Stadium, 07/04/11: Gate 8 (Bleachers entrance) (IMG_5733)
Gary Dunaier: Yankee Stadium, 07/04/11: looking south along River Avenue from Gate 8 (Bleachers entrance) (IMG_5734)
Gary Dunaier: Yankee Stadium, 07/04/11: police substation entrance, River Avenue (IMG_5736)
Gary Dunaier: Yankee Stadium, 07/04/11: housekeeping entrance, River Avenue (IMG_5737)
Gary Dunaier: Yankee Stadium, 07/04/11: poster advertising a "Jeter Party," sponsored by the 161st Street B.I.D., to take place after the game in which Derek Jeter gets his 3000th hit (IMG_5743)
Gary Dunaier: Yankee Stadium, 07/04/11: "Jeter Meter," containing congratulatory messages for Derek Jeter, attached to a lamppost on River Avenue near Jeter's banner outside Yankee Stadium (IMG_5746)
Gary Dunaier: Yankee Stadium, 07/04/11: the Metro-North Yankees-E. 153rd Street Station, looking northbound from River Avenue - Gateway Center Mall is on the left (IMG_5797)
Gary Dunaier: Yankee Stadium, 07/04/11: the not-so-famous intersection of River Avenue and 151st Street (IMG_5798)
Gary Dunaier: Yankee Stadium, 07/04/11: the marquee from the original Yankee Stadium, next to the Major Deegan Expressway, is still being used - but not to promote upcoming games (IMG_5800)
Gary Dunaier: Yankee Stadium, 07/04/11: street level view of the marquee from the original Yankee Stadium - the Major Deegan Expressway is on the right (IMG_5807)
Gary Dunaier: Yankee Stadium, 07/04/11: there was no game today, so nearby Gateway Center Mall did not need to offer parking for the game (IMG_5809)
Gary Dunaier: Yankee Stadium, 07/04/11: it costs $48 to park your car at the 153rd Street Lot, River Avenue and 153rd Street (IMG_5811)