theogarver: Yellow-tufted Woodpecker Melanerpes cruentatus P1020874
theogarver: View of Canapy walk Sacha Lodge Amazon Basin Eduador P1020965
theogarver: Stream Photo Sacha Lodge P1020959
theogarver: Spix's Guan Penelope jacquacu P1020894
theogarver: Spix's Guan Penelope jacquacu P1020890
theogarver: Russet-backed Oropendola Psarocolius angustifrons P1020847
theogarver: Rufous-bellied Euphonia Euphonia rufiventris P1020868
theogarver: Rufous-bellied Euphonia Euphonia rufiventris cropped P1020870
theogarver: Rufescent Tiger-Heron Tigrisoma lineatum P1020945
theogarver: Rufescent Tiger-Heron Tigrisoma lineatum P1020944
theogarver: Ruddy Pigeon Patagioenas subvinacea P1020899
theogarver: Palm Tanager Thraupis palmarum P1020896
theogarver: Opal-crowned Tanager Tangara callophrys (contrast and satuation adjusted) P1020895
theogarver: Golden-bellied Euphonia Euphonia chrysopasta P1020864
theogarver: Morning Canapy View Canapy Walk at Sacha Lodge P1020964
theogarver: Many-banded Aracari Pteroglossus pluricinctus P1020849
theogarver: many-banded araçari P1020836
theogarver: many-banded araçari P1020835
theogarver: many-banded araçari P1020832
theogarver: Kopoc Tree Tower Sasha Lodge P1020829
theogarver: Ivory-billed Aracari Pteroglossus azara P1020914
theogarver: Ivory-billed Aracari Pteroglossus azara P1020913
theogarver: Ivory-billed Aracari Pteroglossus azara P1020910
theogarver: Ivory-billed Aracari Pteroglossus azara P1020909
theogarver: ID P1020928
theogarver: Thick-billed Euphonia Euphonia laniirostris P1020927
theogarver: Id P1020904
theogarver: Hoatzin Opisthocomus hoazin P1020949
theogarver: Gilded Barbet Capito auratus P1020922
theogarver: Gilded Barbet Capito auratus P1020921