garu-garu: exploration in country 132
garu-garu: exploration in country 133
garu-garu: exploration in country 134: where nothing grow up....
garu-garu: exploration in country 135: bright Inflorescences
garu-garu: exploration in country 136: bright Inflorescences born
garu-garu: exploration in country 138: bright Inflorescences grow up....
garu-garu: exploration in country 137: bright Inflorescences 2
garu-garu: exploration in country 139: bright Inflorescences 3 in the wood
garu-garu: exploration in country 140: bright Inflorescences 4 in the wood
garu-garu: exploration in country 144: bright Inflorescences 4 under my favorite tree...
garu-garu: exploration in country 141: bright Inflorescences grow up in the wood
garu-garu: exploration in country 147: bright inflorescence 5....
garu-garu: exploration in country 146: light mummy man meet bright inflorescence....
garu-garu: kaleidoflower first attempt (failed)
garu-garu: exploration in country 150: bright inflorescence 6 at the lake....
garu-garu: exploration in turin outskirts 28: bright inflorescence have no problem to grou up everywhere
garu-garu: kaleidoflower
garu-garu: kaleidoflower
garu-garu: kaleidoflower
garu-garu: exploration in country 156: bright inflorescence 8
garu-garu: exploration in country 158: bright inflorescence 9
garu-garu: exploration in country 161: bright inflorescence 11
garu-garu: exploration in country 159: bright inflorescence 10 at the rill
garu-garu: exploration in turin outskirts 59
garu-garu: exploration in a abbandonated village 1
garu-garu: exploration in turin outskirts 62