man of toast: fiona and the pup
man of toast: the pup
man of toast: puppy love
man of toast: whippets
man of toast: half husky puppy
man of toast: you could come and pat me, you know
man of toast: belle works the room
man of toast: belle lays claim
man of toast: happy puppy
man of toast: *snooze*
man of toast: helping out at the stall
man of toast: oh noes
man of toast: i got my ball i got my ball!
man of toast: dog - now with spin drier action head
man of toast: in pursuit
man of toast: this puppy is sad because you're not patting him
man of toast: movement == potential food
man of toast: snoozing
man of toast: who is it?
man of toast: hey, wanna play?
man of toast: snoozing
man of toast: circledog
man of toast: natural habitats
man of toast: pooped
man of toast: preparing for phase shift
man of toast: hey, you know we could jump around in the snow... just sayin'
man of toast: haz u got pats 4 me?