garstonian: The George on the Green - Holyport
garstonian: The White Hart - Winkfield
garstonian: The White Hart - Winkfield, Berkshire.
garstonian: The Winkfield - Winkfield
garstonian: Bar 1 Ascot - Ascot
garstonian: The Stag - Ascot
garstonian: The Two Brewers - Windsor
garstonian: The Two Brewers - Windsor, Berkshire.
garstonian: Windsor Castle - Windsor, Berkshire.
garstonian: The Three Tuns - Windsor, Berkshire.
garstonian: The Carpenters Arms - Windsor, Berkshire.
garstonian: The Carpenters Arms - Windsor
garstonian: The Three Tuns - Windsor
garstonian: The King and Castle - Windsor
garstonian: The King & Castle - Windsor, Berkshire.