Garry Spencer: Eagle Eyed
Garry Spencer: Eagle landing
Garry Spencer: Eagle & Eaglets
Garry Spencer: Yellow Bird
Garry Spencer: Skid Row Duck
Garry Spencer: Yellow Warbler
Garry Spencer: Shot of the day
Garry Spencer: Red Fox
Garry Spencer: Bombs away
Garry Spencer: Horsing Around
Garry Spencer: Eagle's Eye View
Garry Spencer: Black Cap Chickadee
Garry Spencer: Black Cap Chickadee
Garry Spencer: Hanging on
Garry Spencer: On watch
Garry Spencer: Just keeping an eye out
Garry Spencer: Beating the breeze
Garry Spencer: The eyes are the mirror of the soul
Garry Spencer: Southern Shore Beauty
Garry Spencer: Mr. Squirrel
Garry Spencer: Chickadee
Garry Spencer: One stern crow
Garry Spencer: black capped chickadee
Garry Spencer: Approach
Garry Spencer: Bull Frog
Garry Spencer: Flutter-by Butterfly
Garry Spencer: Barn Duck
Garry Spencer: Caw, caw
Garry Spencer: Shag off